Friday, December 13, 2013

I've Moved!

You can now find me at LaurendaMarie where I will be blogging about clean eating, healthy living, and my new life as a mom.

Thank you for following my pregnancy journey and I hope to see you on my new site!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Birth Story: Part 2

In case you missed it, here is Part 1

The drive to the hospital was, well, semi eventful actually. We had to take a detour because of construction, and on top of that my waters were STILL flowing. That's right, once your water breaks, it doesn't stop. No one told me this!

Finally we arrived at St. Mary's downtown. Dan helped me out of the Jeep and moments later I was in a wheel chair and rushed to labor and delivery. Everything was happening so fast. I checked in, and a nurse took us to the LAST, yes, the LAST available delivery room. I remember her saying "We're busy tonight!". For a moment I wondered where I would have ended up if that room was occupied.

Thankful to get out of my wet clothes (ew), I threw on a hospital gown and patiently waited to be "hooked up". At this point, I was still smiling!

10:30 PM - I was hooked up to the contraction and heart rate monitors, and given my IV. This was a part of labor I was dreading actually. If you know me at all, I HATE needles!!!!! Looks pleasant, doesn't it? Face palm.

The resident doctor came in to check for dilation. I was 2cm and 100% thinned. He immediately recommended Pitocin (a drug that speeds up labor), but I was quick to say "no drugs!". Because my water broke, they wanted to move things along quickly so I didn't get an infection. The doctor was very adamant about wanting to administer the Pitocin, but he respected my wishes and let me ride out my own contractions...

3:30 AM - Six hours had passed, and passed quickly! Dan slept on and off in an uncomfortable looking chair while I breathed through mild contractions watching late night TV. They were still consistent, but didn't pick up in intensity. I felt comfortable. They checked my cervix again. Only 3cm. The very concerned resident doctor was HIGHLY recommending Pitocin at this point. Since hours had passed with little progress, my likelihood for infection was escalating. I hesitantly agreed, but requested the lowest dosage. The nurse administered the drug through my IV, and within an hour I was in full blown active labor. The contractions came quickly, and the pain was intense. I white knuckled the sides of the bed during each one....and Dan claims a few cuss words may have left my lips. Remember to breath, I kept thinking. Dan was great about comforting me, and watching the monitor to let me know when each contraction was coming to an end. As much as I didn't want any intervention, it was starting to get unbearable. I know Pitocin is known to make regular labor contractions MORE intense, so with receiving that drug unplanned, my labor plans were quickly botched. When they checked me again, I was 5cm. I couldn't imagine waiting another 5cm without any relief, so I asked for the epidural. 

I was in so much pain, things started to get a little foggy at this point. I remember them making me sign a form. I could barely breath, let alone read and sign my name on their clipboard! But I did, somehow. The thought of an epidural terrified me before labor, but in the moment it was very welcomed. The process took nearly 20 minutes, but shortly after, relief! I was finally resting comfortably in bed again. The contractions were even stronger (according to the monitor), but I felt nothing! Funny thing is, I could still move my legs and wiggle my toes. I wasn't expecting to have any movement of my lower half, so this amused me. 

After receiving the epidural, I was dilating quickly, so they took me off the Pitocin and let me ride out my own contractions. Yay!

7:00 AM - My delivery doctor arrived and I was checked again, 8cm!! It was almost go time! The nurses were helping me move into different positions to help position the baby for birth. Again, I was amused I had so much movement after the epidural. I was on my hands and knees for 30 minutes at one point!

My delivery doctor checked me again during a contraction, 9.5cm. I was in the transition phase, and beginning to shake. The nurse told me this was common, and gave me an oxygen mask to help me breath. The babys heart rate was dropping, so my doctor quickly put on her scrubs and was prepped for delivery! I sensed some concern from the nurses and doctor regarding the dropped rate, but I was confident my baby was OK. I just knew he was. I remember feeling excited, and very focused. I was determined to push this baby out vaginally, and quickly! I jokingly told my doctor I'd have him out in 30 minutes. She looked at me like I was crazy!

10:00 AM - Time to push - finally! A nurse held my leg on the right and Dan held my leg on the left. The plan was to push for 10 seconds, every other contraction. My delivery doctor asked if I wanted a mirror so I could see. The thought of having one before never crossed my mind, but in the moment I wanted nothing more than to see my baby come out. "YES!" I exclaimed excitedly. 

The first push felt odd because, well, I couldn't FEEL anything. I couldn't even tell I was pushing. Everyone kept screaming, "Harder! Keep pushing!" but my body just felt like I was lying there giving no effort. Thankfully, whatever I was doing, was working. After several pushes, my sons head was crowning. And yes, I saw ALL of this in the mirror. What a rush. After 6 or 7 pushes, he was almost here. I was overwhelmed with emotion. Again, the doctor expressed concern about the heart rate and said "If we don't get him out on this next push, I'll have to use the vacuum." Hell no, I thought, and pushed as hard as my numb, unresponsive body could. "The heads out! Do you want to grab him?", the doctor asked me. Without hesitation I reached down for my son and pulled him out and onto my chest. Tears streamed down my face and Dan's, as we fell in love with this beautiful baby boy we had just brought into this world.

10:39 AM - Sawyer Sullivan Bennett was born, and he was perfect.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

My Birth Story: Part 1

I know I know, it's been 9 weeks already, but between diaper changes, breastfeeding, napping, and trying to adjust to life as a family of 3, blogging hasn't been a top priority. But, better late than never, I spose!

My Birth Story: Part 1

July 25th began like any other week day - accept for the fact I was 40 weeks pregnant...on the nose. I got up at 5:30am for work (yes, I was still working!), and managed an almost full day. It's not easy sitting in a chair for hours on end! I decided early on I was going to be pregnant for 42 weeks as to not get my hopes up - so there wasn't even a thought in my head that my little peanut was coming anytime soon. Plus, only 10% of babies come on their due date. I was totally in the clear! 

It was 5pm. I trudged downstairs to the treadmill for a walk. I walked throughout my whole pregnancy and up to 17 miles per week near the end. About a quarter mile in I felt a contraction. Was this a mildly painful Braxton Hicks, or was this a real labor contraction? I had no idea. This was my first pregnancy! I continued on. So did the contractions. I was about a mile in and decided to start timing them on my phone. They were nearly 40 seconds in length and about 5 minutes apart. I remember my birthing class said labor contractions over time would get longer, stronger, and closer together. Longer, stronger, and closer together. I kept repeating this in my head. Since the pain was so light, I kept walking. I still wasn't sure this was the real deal, and I DIDN'T want any false alarms. 

I completed a full 2 miles. There were times I had to turn down the speed and hold my back during a contraction. I still didn't believe it could be real. My husband Dan was upstairs making dinner. Grilled chicken and sauteed kale. I helped set the table and casually told him, "Soooooo, I'm having mildly painful contractions. They're 5 minutes apart. Could be a false alarm so I'll just keep monitoring them."  

We had dinner and a nice conversation. The contractions continued, but the pain didn't increase. I felt I was being stubborn by not calling the doctor, but I so badly didn't want a false alarm. My bedtime rolled around, 9:30pm. I kissed my husband goodnight and told him I would continue to monitor for a bit while in bed...and that if the pain increased I would call the doctor. 

I crawled into bed and not a second later I felt a gush. I don't know how else to explain it. I froze in place for a moment then jumped out of bed. All over the hardwood floor, my water broke.  I just stood there in shock. THIS. IS. HAPPENING. It was real now. SO REAL. I was going to have my baby. Finally meet this precious little human that's been in my belly for 40 weeks. Whoa, 40 weeks! Talk about timing! These were all the thoughts that flew through my head as I stood in an awkward squat position while water leaked to the floor. I waddled out to the living room, my pants half down, looked at Dan and said "my water just broke." I think he smiled and responded with "seriously?!" Well, yes, seriously. The first thing he did was clean up the water (haha), then he packed his bag. His excitement was palpable. I called the doctor who instructed me to come in immediately. This was it. There was no turning back. In a matter of minutes I would be admitted into labor and delivery, and soon after that I would be a mother. I was elated...and oddly calm, given the circumstances. I just prayed for an easy delivery, and a healthy baby. 

To be continued...

Saturday, July 20, 2013


 My Nephew

 Emmett John Harkes

Born: July 19th -10:02am

Weight: 8lbs 1oz

Length: 21.25 inches


Mom, dad, and baby are all doing wonderfully!


 So happy I got to snuggle him! Aunt Ren thinks he is the cutest. I can't wait for him to meet his cousin! Just four days til my due date!

Proud Grandma!

Congratulations Alisha and Andrew!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Birth Plan

With my impending labor just days away, I was sure at this point in my pregnancy I would be a mess of nerves. Quite the contrary actually. I am relaxed and oddly excited. Maybe not excited for the pain, but for the outcome. It outweighs all else. :)

After much research and taking in my own personal beliefs, I have decided I want the birth of my son to be as natural as possible. Now I am well aware labor and delivery does NOT typically go as planned, and I am also prepared for the unknown and a change of course if medically necessary. However, at this moment in time I am planning a natural drug free labor. I said it, no epidural. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. Let's see how brave I am in the moment! ;)

I have been doing a few things to help prep my body for labor... 

1) Walking: I walk daily. Last week I walked 17 miles total! 
2) Birthing Ball: I've been practicing some fancy moves on my birthing ball while watching TV. Husband probably thinks I look ridiculous, but won't admit it. Dave Dog is terrified of the ball and won't even get near me!
3) Good Eats: Trying to eat small clean meals throughout the day to keep my blood sugar level!
4) Sleep: Getting 7-8 hours a night so I am well rested and energized!

I hope all of this helps! Other tips and natural labor inducing advice is welcome :)

How far along? 38 weeks!!!! :)
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes: My maternity clothes are barely fitting. A sign I'm near the end! 
Stretch marks? None :)
Sleep: Not the greatest but I can still find a few comfortable positions.
Best moment this week: My sister hitting 40 weeks! Can't wait to meet my nephew. Any day now!!
Miss anything? Quite a few things yes, but it's all been worth it.

Movement: There are limbs everywhere! 
Food cravings: I NEEDED a chocolate chip cookie the other day and that craving was quickly satisfied. I have a good husband ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Symptoms: I've just been moving very slow and steady. 
Labor Signs: Frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. So frequent I called the Dr about them one night thinking it could be pre-term labor. False alarm...but still getting them regularly!
Belly button in or out? Out! I wonder if it will go back in? 
Wedding rings on or off? On...but after my 2 to 4 mile walks outside in the heat, they will NOT come off. So swollen! 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy mommy
Looking forward to: Just meeting my little man!! C'mon baby!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Full Term

Full term. Full term. Full term. I just love the sound of that! To me it means my baby is now safe. Ahh, he's safe. <3

I remember it like it was yesterday - no - an hour ago - seeing those two pink lines for the first time. My emotions went from defeat and sorrow to pure existential bliss. There was no way I was stopping the tears, or wiping that smile off my face. It's not a secret that Dan and I had trouble conceiving. I wasn't sure if we would ever be able to have a biological child - and this thought consumed me, but more than that, it crushed me. I will never forget those long wearing months of uncertainty and frustration, and I feel for anyone in a common situation. It is tough - be sensitive. You never know who may be going through it.

So here I sit, full term and just 3 weeks from my due date, with a BABY growing and twisting inside my belly. It still feels surreal at times. I haven't seen him yet, how does anyone really KNOW there is a baby in there? Maybe they put false ultrasound photos up on the screen to trick me - maybe I just went to Qdoba too many times. Seriously, these are REAL thoughts! I am going to be a MESS when I see my sons face for the first time. I will melt all over the hospital floor and they'll have to mop me up.

This whole experience has been a wave of emotions, but I wouldn't change where I am at in my life for anything. Many women are left to raise their children alone, whatever the situation. I am so fortunate to have a husband that's respectful, patient, selfless, loving, generous, and committed. He's SO excited to be a father, and that makes me even more excited to be a mother - and a family. I feel grateful to have such a wonderful man to raise children with. Yes children. We want two little nuggets!

So c'mon nugget number one, we are waiting patiently to kiss those cheeks. :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Nursery Nesting

Yes, but another nursery post! We have started to accumulate a hearty stock of diapers, clothing, and accessories for our impending bundle of joy, and I have therefore found myself meticulously organizing and preparing his room. I am HUGE into organization so have found this project to be quite enjoyable. There is something about neatly arranged and completed pairs of socks that keep my head clear, among other things. When my living quarters are a mess (deep breaths), I feel like my life is a mess. It's just better for my psyche when everything has a home!

So I present to you the (nearly) completed nursery in all of its (my) OCD glory.

Reading & Relaxation

I love this little nook. Here I will spend many moments rocking, reading, nursing, and cuddling with my little one. I found the owl bookends at Hallmark. It was love at first site!

Changing Station

I love our dresser/changing combo. I used the first drawer to organize his diapers, wipes, and creams. I found the white baskets at World Market and yes, those are cloth diapers in the photo. I'm going to attempt them for the days we stay home! Hard to see, but there is a white pad on the changing table for his diaper changing comfort! ;)


Wardrobe & Storage

I'm still adoring our open closet. Hanging are all of his clothes from 0-3 months - neatly in their homes - all washed and ready to go! His bigger clothing resides in the laundry room in clear plastic bins, labeled with their appropriate size. How cute are the little shoes!?

I organized his socks and hats in baskets and have them displayed on our shelves. Shelves are one thing this nursery is NOT lacking! See what I am saying about the socks. My sock drawer looks the same way! This is not a joke! :)

These adorable burp cloths are homemade and the swaddle blankets are muslin cloth. Both are cute enough to have displayed - another item to fill our plentiful shelves. The white baskets pictured above and below from Lowe's. A set of 3 was only $13! I thought that was a steal.

 Extra diapers, wipes, hangers and a few misc items tucked away in the cabinet. This is the ONLY space in the nursery we can "hide" stuff! The canvas baskets are from Amazon.

I received this adorable box from a friend and it's perfect for storing toys!

 One more of the crib! We do realize the plush lamb, bumper, and blanket will have to go when he finally arrives. Le sigh. Cute for photos though! The hamper in the corner is from Pottery Barn. It came sans lid, so we made our own with pre-cut wood I found at Michaels, cream canvas cloth from Hobby Lobby, and a white & blue polka dot knob, also from Hobby Lobby.

So there you have it. I'd say we're ready!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Maternity Shoot with Boudoir Chic Photography

Several weeks ago I ventured to Ann Arbor Michigan to shoot with Emily Tishhouse of Boudoir Chic Photography. I am so excited to be able to share with you some of my favorite images from this third and final maternity shoot! Pregnancy is so beautiful, so I'm glad I had the opportunity to capture my new and growing figure. Emily was so sweet and easy to work with - and I am so happy with the turnout!

Here is her website if anyone is interested in working with her!

Hope you enjoy our images! :)

Photography by Boudoir Chic
Hair by Melissa Makovics
Make-up by Hannah Butler

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

35 Week Update!

 Lets start with a fun progression photo. Notice the dress gets shorter every time. Too inappropriate for work now so I had to switch clothes before heading into the office!

15 weeks, 25 weeks, and 35 weeks

Everything checked out wonderfully at my pre-natal appointment this morning. Measurements, weight, blood pressure, baby's heart rate - all great! :)

How far along? 35 down and just 5 to go!! 2 weeks until he is full term!
Total weight gain: 10.5 lbs
Maternity clothes: They're pretty much all I can wear these days! Dresses and flats are becoming a staple.
Stretch marks? None to report!
Sleep: Fairly decent to be quite honest. Lots of tossing and turning but nothing that keeps me up for too long.  
Best moment this week: I celebrated my 29th birthday on Monday and my husband bought me the most wonderful gifts!!! I had been asking for an overnight/airplane bag for light traveling and he found this adorable GUESS bag. It's the perfect size. I have already started packing for my impending hospital stay!

This next gift made me tear up! It was a combined birthday/push present. I will be honest and admit I wasn't sure what a push present was - but I am glad he knew! Apparently it's tradition to buy your wife/significant other a gift for pushing out a baby. I'm not going to argue with that! Seems very logical to me! :) So what did he do? He custom made a gorgeous ring! The center stone is a precious ruby which will be our son's birthstone (now he's required to come in July) - the band is hand carved white gold with a vintage flair, and the ruby is centered between two rows of diamonds. I absolutely love it. Just beautiful, but more than that, it's meaningful.:-)

Miss anything? A walk without a waddle.

Movement: The belly looks like a wave pool!
Food cravings: I've been craving a little spice actually!
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing out of the norm.
Symptoms:  Frequent peeing....and I'm talking 20 times a day at least! It's redic.
Belly button in or out?  SO out 
Wedding rings on or off? On, but they're hard to get off at times! 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I'm blessed to have avoided some common symptoms like heart burn and swelling (so far anyways...) and I don't seem to be very hormonal. I feel quite normal aside from a basketball under my shirt.
Looking forward to: My last baby shower this Saturday with my Bennett & OtterBase families :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dosenberry Baby Shower

I am so full of gratitude by everyone's graciousness at the Dosenberry shower this past Saturday! My mom hosted a garden party for both Alisha and I with beautiful decor, a delicious lunch, and a good turn out of guests. Big thank you to my Aunts, Grandma, and Dad for making sure everything ran smoothly! Everyone was so generous - these little boys were definitely spoiled! Here are some pictures from the event!

Beautiful Mom and Hostess!

Mom and Daughters

The Preggo Sisters

Outdoor Eating Area

Adorable Diaper Cakes my Mom Made!!
"Ready To Pop" Popcorn Boxes Courtesy of My Mother

My Lovely Aunts :)

Dad, Daughters, and His Soon To Be Grandson's

Knit Owl Hats from my Mom!

So Pretty in the Backyard

Soon To Be Great-Grandmother!

Long Time Neighbors

Jamie and I - A Good Childhood Friend!

Delicious Desserts

Thanks again everyone!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Maternity Shoot with Erthtones Photography

Sharon Miller of Erthtones Photography shot these beautiful photos at Ada Park. We met several years ago when I was doing promotional work for WGRD. She's a fabulous photographer, so I was elated to be able to shoot with her again!

Here are a few photos from our session!

My husband was at the session...but wasn't expecting to hop in any photos. Forgive his attire - he came straight from the gym! A cute family photo none the less :)