Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Birth Plan

With my impending labor just days away, I was sure at this point in my pregnancy I would be a mess of nerves. Quite the contrary actually. I am relaxed and oddly excited. Maybe not excited for the pain, but for the outcome. It outweighs all else. :)

After much research and taking in my own personal beliefs, I have decided I want the birth of my son to be as natural as possible. Now I am well aware labor and delivery does NOT typically go as planned, and I am also prepared for the unknown and a change of course if medically necessary. However, at this moment in time I am planning a natural drug free labor. I said it, no epidural. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. Let's see how brave I am in the moment! ;)

I have been doing a few things to help prep my body for labor... 

1) Walking: I walk daily. Last week I walked 17 miles total! 
2) Birthing Ball: I've been practicing some fancy moves on my birthing ball while watching TV. Husband probably thinks I look ridiculous, but won't admit it. Dave Dog is terrified of the ball and won't even get near me!
3) Good Eats: Trying to eat small clean meals throughout the day to keep my blood sugar level!
4) Sleep: Getting 7-8 hours a night so I am well rested and energized!

I hope all of this helps! Other tips and natural labor inducing advice is welcome :)

How far along? 38 weeks!!!! :)
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes: My maternity clothes are barely fitting. A sign I'm near the end! 
Stretch marks? None :)
Sleep: Not the greatest but I can still find a few comfortable positions.
Best moment this week: My sister hitting 40 weeks! Can't wait to meet my nephew. Any day now!!
Miss anything? Quite a few things yes, but it's all been worth it.

Movement: There are limbs everywhere! 
Food cravings: I NEEDED a chocolate chip cookie the other day and that craving was quickly satisfied. I have a good husband ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Symptoms: I've just been moving very slow and steady. 
Labor Signs: Frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. So frequent I called the Dr about them one night thinking it could be pre-term labor. False alarm...but still getting them regularly!
Belly button in or out? Out! I wonder if it will go back in? 
Wedding rings on or off? On...but after my 2 to 4 mile walks outside in the heat, they will NOT come off. So swollen! 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy mommy
Looking forward to: Just meeting my little man!! C'mon baby!


  1. I totally respect you for giving the natural route a try. When my time comes, I hope I can do it as naturally as I can too. I think you've been doing some good things to prepare your body. I've heard walking is always good. And the sleeping is giving you that rest you need. Can't wait for an update that you've had your little bundle of joy!!

    1. Thank you! It's been my plan all along! If I can manage, I know the outcome will be worth the pain in the end! So excited to update you and everyone else on his arrival! <3
