Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"I'm Pregnant!" - "I'm Pregnant Too!"

Four days before my "two pink lines", I was having lunch with my sister at Subway (to set the scene, it was the Subway inside Alpine Meijer, classy). This was not a planned excursion, but rather a last minute "I have nothing to do for lunch do you want to meet me?" type moment.

So we're chowing down on our veggie subs and catching up when it eventually came out, she was pregnant!! She had just found out a few hours previous. My baby sister was having a baby! I think she was hesitant to tell me at first, knowing my struggles, but everyone has a different journey, and I've come to accept that now and embrace mine. Instead of throwing myself a pitty party, I enjoyed the moment. I was THRILLED for her and Andrew, and laughed a little knowing I could too be carrying. How crazy would that be, I thought...

So fast forward four days to my red lipstick day. We all know how that ended! I was pregnant, my sister was pregnant, and only 15 days apart! It was almost unbelievable - mainly because we totally did NOT plan it (but always talked about how fun it would be). We were engaged two months apart, married three months apart, so this should have come as no surprise! Neither of our parents knew, so off we ventured!

Mom was in the kitchen making dinner and dad was outside riding his bike. Alisha and I wanted to spill the beans together, so we waited anxiously for dad. I'm surprised my mom didn't catch on to our nervous energy and silly smirks back and forth. Mind you, I had just found out less than an hour previous so my giddyness was palpable I'm sure.

Finally my dad strolled inside and greeted us in the kitchen. Alisha and I didn't have anything planned and I wasted no time. "I'm pregnant!", I blurted out bluntly with a large smile on my face. I looked at Alisha and she said "I'm pregnant too!" My parents just about fell over. It was priceless! Our babies will be their first grandchildren and born just weeks, possibly days apart. Both of them were absolutely thrilled. A very special moment indeed.

So of course, we HAD to make our public announcement together, which came in the form of the photo below posted to Facebook on December 27th, 2012.

The only thing better about being pregnant is being pregnant with your sister and best friend.


  1. Great Post!!! ;) So happy to be pregnant with my best friend too! Couldn't think of a better way to go through this wonderful experience :)
